The moments you’ll never get back

Hi everyone! I’m just getting back from vacation. It was so satisfying to spend time with God, my family, friends, a dozen campfires, and (many) books.

It’s time for the kids to go back to school, and for me to get back to some routine, pastoring Westminster, and bringing the “Up!” devotional to you five days a week!

One of my favourite vacation experiences was going on an overnight trip with my daughter. We loaded up the ATV and ventured out to a family cabin deeeeeep in the forest.

The trails we travelled have been in our family for generations. As we were riding along, I remembered something from my youth.

Our family had a wood stove. And every autumn my brothers and I would take turns helping my dad get the wood in. We’d jump in the tractor and wagon, head into the bush, and spend the evening slugging wood back to the house.

At the time I didn’t really appreciate it. It was good exercise, fresh air, and valuable time spent with my dad (who’s now passed away). Back then, I’m sure I couldn’t wait to get it over with so I could go play road hockey or Atari with my friends.

But how amazing would it be to have one of those evenings to do over again!

I can’t blame myself. I was pretty young. But now I’m an adult. And so are many of you. My point is this:

Seize the moments you’ll never get back.

Today, look around you. There are precious people. There are bonding moments. There are meaningful conversations and deep-belly laughs around every corner.

Psalm 143:5 (NLT) says: “I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done.” I think that includes beautiful things like soothing sunsets and majestic mountains. But it also includes people, conversations and opportunities that can flavour your life with the goodness of God.

Today, seize the moments you’ll never get back.

By Matthew Ruttan

  • This Sunday is our big Welcome Service & BBQ at Westminster! It’s the kick-off to the 2017-2018 year. I’m really looking forward to it. Click here to find out what to expect. (I really think you should.)


2 thoughts on “The moments you’ll never get back

  1. Hello Matthew:
    Welcome back…I have to admit that I missed reading the devotionals with my coffee routine each day on my computer or phone…and so, this is so good!!! Your ordinary moments over your holiday become extraordinary memories


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