Casual and casualty sound so much the same

“Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position” (2 Peter 3:17)

It’s no coincidence that casual and casualty sound so much the same.

Let me explain what I’m getting at.

Casual means ‘not paying attention’ or ‘unprepared’. A casualty is an unexpected death, usually in some sort of accident with others. 

When it comes to a strong, modern faith, if you are casual you may end up being a casualty.

For example, let’s say you are open to the idea of God. You think Jesus said some inspiring things. You go to church once in a while (when it’s convenient). You’re open to learning more, but you’re fairly laissez-faire. 

Then some guy tells you that no credible scholar thinks that Jesus actually came back to life. ‘It’s ancient mythology,’ he says. ‘People back then didn’t know very much and would believe anything. They just had wishful thinking and said he came back to life because they felt close to him.’ 

Since you already struggle with the idea of miracles, you wonder if he might be right. And since you haven’t really thought things through, have no meaningful relationships with other mature Christians, and love internet rabbit holes that will tell you anything you want to hear, you give up any flicker of light that you may have once had.


But what if you had been deliberate instead of casual?

You would be knowledgeable about the Bible. 

You would be proactively rooted in a community with mature Christians.

You would know that many credible scholars do in fact believe in the resurrection.

You would be able to express why you hold your core beliefs.

And even though you still have questions and struggle with the idea of miracles, you are seeking a God who made heaven and earth, and therefore have learned not only to doubt your beliefs but to doubt your doubts as well.

We’re all on a journey. Not of us have it all figured out. (Monday’s devotional will talk a bit more about the role of doubt in our faith.)

But today’s point is this. Be deliberate. 

It’s no coincidence that casual and casualty sound so much the same.


–The Up Devotional is published 5 days a week (Monday-Friday) and returns on April 15, 2024.

–Bible quotes are from the NIV. 

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