Everything you need for joy

Robert Reed says this: “I have everything I need for joy.”


But here’s the backstory.

He was born with an illness that resulted in his hands and feet being twisted. He can’t brush his teeth by himself. Or comb his hair. Or bathe himself.

But that didn’t stop him from graduating high school, or graduating from Abilene University with a degree in Latin.

Robert was a Christian who went on five mission trips, including one to Portugal. He had to learn the language (which he did), and then went around having conversations with people about Jesus. 70 of them converted!

When he speaks to an audience, he gets wheeled out onto stage and slowly opens a Bible which sits on his lap. It’s difficult because of his illness—cerebral palsy. But when he speaks, people’s hearts are moved.

“I have everything I need for joy,” he says. Everything. Do you want to know what it is?

It’s Jesus.

Not popularity. Not money. Not the latest smart phone. Not success. And not even perfect health.

I’m reminded of what Jesus said to his disciples in John 16:24: “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”

“I have everything I need for joy.”

It’s true for Robert. And it can be true for you too.

By Matthew Ruttan

  • “Up!” is published 5 days a week (Tuesday to Saturday) and returns on June 26th.
  • To learn more about what’s happening this Sunday at Westminster (and the idea of Righting Wrongs) click here.

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